The ingredients for a perfect folk rustic wedding? A delightful village nestled among the hills of Abruzzo, a stunning couple in love, an entire town celebrating, all to the rhythm of a band playing ancient music, the kind that warms the heart and gets your feet moving.
Casalanguida, August 2015. Max and Sia began the first chapter of their new life together here. A dreamy folk rustic wedding, moving from the very moment the bride got dressed. We were in the grandparents’ house when Sia donned her incredible dress, a wedding gown from the early 1900s. In a room filled with typical Abruzzo artifacts, the radio played an old song by Rita Pavone: Sia sang along, losing herself for a moment, and on her face, you could see the joy of anticipation, of wishes coming true.
Change of scenery: The Church of Santa Maria Maddalena, a beautiful example of 14th-century architecture (later renovated in the 19th century). The simple and traditional ceremony took place here, enriched by the couple’s vows “in language”: he in Italian, she in Dutch. Speaking of which: once the service was over, it was clear to everyone that the vintage Italian Style had rubbed off on Max: despite being Dutch, the groom seemed surprisingly comfortable driving an Ape!
What’s essential for a perfect folk rustic wedding? A town celebration, with traditional tastes, colors, and music. Women in typical costumes rolling out pasta for tagliatelle, long wooden tables in the square, accordions, and wild dancing. Arriving in the heart of Casalanguida on the Ape, bursting with joy and excitement, Max and Sia fully embraced the magical atmosphere.
It’s amazing to think back to the entire town celebrating, the emotions lighting up the streets and alleys of Casalanguida, Max and Sia, their tender moments of seeking each other out, holding, kissing, always laughing and smiling. If the essence of happiness lies in simple and genuine things, then Max and Sia’s wedding is one celebration that will last a lifetime.